Sunday, August 10, 2008

Remember. . .

"A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world." ~ George Santayana

David Badie, 23, IL
Ryan Baumann, 24, MD
Seteria Harris Brown, 22, FL
Jair De Jesus Garcia, 29, CA
Kevin Dickson, 21, MO
Michael Girdano, 23, PA
Gary Henry,34, IN
Timothy Hutton, 21, MT
Holley James, 24, NC
Garrett Lawton, 31, W.VA
Ian McVey, 23, MA
Jonathan Menke, 22, IN
Brian Miller, 37, IN
Andre Mitchell, 25, NY
William Mulvihill, 20, KS
Ronald Schmidt, 18, KS