Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Soldiers Angels

I have been involved with Soldiers Angels since 2004 and cannot fully express the importance of supporting America's service members. Most people do not realize how much a piece of mail or a care package means to someone who is thousands of miles away from home deployed to either a FOB in Iraq or to a Navy ship on the high seas. A fellow member of Soldiers Angels shared the following letter her soldier sent her with the organization. I think it is beautiful.

"Cards, care packages, cookies, they're not going to stop that bullet or that IED but do you all know what they do? They bring a small piece of home to us. Sure you might not be here on the front line covered in filth, smelling like hell, your heart going a mile a min not knowing what's coming next. If your next step is on that TRP or if your going to be the latest recruiting tool for some insurgents new video while they take pot shots at you. But what you all do with those cards, care packages, cookies is just as important. YOU have the greatest power of ANYONE here. YOU can send us a small piece of home. I don't know it this makes any sense to you but, when I get a box or anyone else get's a box its hard to describe. You find a nice quite corner and everyone knows not to bother you. You sit there and look over the box as if you had never seen anything like it before. You read who it's from and a smile crosses your face, you recognize the name. You might already know what's inside, but it does not matter. Some tear it open as fast as they can, others take their time and enjoy every sec of it. Once inside, you go threw it, every little item once, twice, sometimes three times, it's a very delicate process. You breath it in and you think of the person who sent it to you. You think of home, family, cars, summer.....everything all at once and for a very short time, you are there away from this SH#$T hole. You are grateful. Then you look around and there's always a buddy who is down or having a bad day you share your box. Sometimes just with the one guy, sometimes with everyone and it's electric. Everyone catches that feeling and we start talking about home, about things we miss, things we are going to do when we get back and the heaviness of the day lifts and it's not so bad. C, its not the "things" that are sent that matter to us, it's the thought. That's the power ALL of you have who take the time to send things. You can change the worst day into the best day, in a split second. "